Awareness Fruitless Happiness Progress Tiredness Tireless

[Story] Despite feeling tiredness, he was tireless in his pursuit of happiness. He was aware that progress often seemed fruitless, but he continued to strive for it nonetheless. [参考翻译] 尽管感到疲倦,但他却不知疲倦地追求幸福。他意识到进步往往似乎毫无结果,但他仍然继续努力。 [Words] awareness [əˈwerənəs] n 意识, 认识 fruitless [ˈfruːtələs] adj 徒劳的, 无结果的 happiness [ˈhæpinəs] n 幸福, 快乐 progress [ˈprəʊɡres] n 进步, 进展 tiredness [ˈtaɪədnəs] n 疲倦, 疲劳 tireless [ˈtaɪələs] adj 不知疲倦的, 不疲倦的

May 13, 2024 · 1 min · 61 words · Me

Awareness Changeless Effectiveness Fruitless Happiness Limitless Loneliness Progress Regardless Single Mindedness Tiredness Tireless

[Story] In a changeless town, a single-minded man pursued limitless progress, regardless of the tireless tiredness he felt. His pursuit of effectiveness was fruitless, yet it brought him a sense of happiness. He was aware of the loneliness that came with his journey, but he pressed on, believing that every step forward was a step away from the abyss of fruitlessness. [参考翻译] 在一个不变的小镇上,一个专注的男人追求无限的进步,不顾他感到的不懈疲倦。他对效率的追求是徒劳的,但它带给他一种幸福感。他意识到伴随他旅程的孤独,但他继续前进,相信每一步前进都是远离徒劳无功的深渊。 [Words] awareness [əˈwɛrns] n 意识,明白 changeless [ˈtʃeɪndʒlɪs] adj 不变的,恒久的 effectiveness [ɪˈfektɪvnəs] n 效力,效果 fruitless [ˈfruːtləs] adj 无成果的,无效的 happiness [ˈhæpɪnəs] n 快乐,幸福 limitless [ˈlɪmɪtlɪs] adj 无限的,无限制的 loneliness [ˈləʊnliːnəs] n 孤独,寂寞 progress [ˈprəʊgrɛs] n/v 进步,发展 regardless [rɪˈgɑːdlɪs] adv 不管,不顾 single-mindedness [ˌsɪŋgəl ˈmaɪndɪdnəs] n 专注,一心一意 tiredness [ˈtaɪərdnɪs] n 疲劳,疲倦 tireless [ˈtaɪərləs] adj 不疲倦的,不屈不挠的

May 13, 2024 · 1 min · 113 words · Me

Manifest Manipulate Manner Margin Marginal Massacre Massive Occupation Occurrence Offend Offset

[Story] In a world where manner was everything, the massive marginal occupation of manipulating occurrences never truly offset the offense caused by frequent massacres. Despite their best efforts, the manifest dissonance remained, threatening the delicate balance on the margin of society. [参考翻译] 在一个礼仪至上的世界里,大规模边缘职业通过操纵事件的发生来尝试抵消频繁屠杀所带来的冒犯,却始终未能真正消除明显的不和谐。尽管他们尽了最大努力,社会边缘的微妙平衡仍然受到威胁。 [Words] manifest [mænɪfɛst] v 显示, 证明 n 载货单,旅客名单 manipulate [mənɪpjuleɪt] v 操纵,利用 manner [mænər] n 方式,态度 margin [mɑːrdʒɪn] n 边缘,余地 marginal [mɑːrdʒɪnəl] adj 边缘的,不重要的 massacre [mæsəkər] n 大屠杀 v 残杀 massive [mæsɪv] adj 大量的,大块的 occupation [ˌɑːkjʊpeɪʃn] n 职业,占领 occurrence [əkɜːrəns] n 发生,出现的事件 offend [əfɛnd] v 冒犯,违反 offset [ɔːfset] v 抵消,偏移

May 13, 2024 · 1 min · 93 words · Me

Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide Core Crust Hydrogen Hydrosphere Lithosphere Mantle Oxide Oxygen

[Story] In the core of the Earth, there was a strange atmosphere filled with hydrogen and oxygen. The lithosphere, mantle, and crust were covered in oxide and carbon dioxide. The hydrosphere was also affected, but the creatures living there didnt seem to mind. They witnessed the endless changes in the planets composition, adapting as necessary. Despite the challenges, life on Earth thrived. [参考翻译] 在地球的核心,有一个充满氢气和氧气的奇异大气层。岩石圈、地幔和地壳都被氧化物和二氧化碳覆盖。水圈也受到了影响,但那里的生物似乎并不在意。它们见证了地球成分的无尽变化,并在必要时进行适应。尽管面临挑战,地球上的生命依然繁荣。 [Words] atmosphere [ætmɪstɪər] n 气氛,大气层 carbon dioxide [ka:rbən daɪˈaʊksaɪd] n 二氧化碳 core [kɔ:r] n 核心 crust [krʌst] n 地壳 hydrogen [haɪdrədʒən] n 氢 hydrosphere [haɪdrəsfɪər] n 水圈 lithosphere [lɪθosfɪər] n 岩石圈 mantle [mæntl] n 地幔 oxide [oksaɪd] n 氧化物 oxygen [oʊksɪdʒən] n 氧

May 12, 2024 · 1 min · 107 words · Me

Business Endless Express Firmness Homeless Princess Success Witness

[Story] The princess, known for her firmness and witness to endless business meetings, decided to express her desire for a life beyond the palace walls. She longed for success outside of her royal duties and craved the experience of being homeless, just to see if she could truly stand on her own two feet. [参考翻译] 公主以坚定不移的态度出席了无数次商业会议,她决定表达自己对宫廷之外生活的渴望。她渴望在王室职责之外取得成功,甚至渴望体验无家可归的生活,只是为了证明她能够真正独立生活。 [Words] business [ˈbɪznəs] n 商业, 生意 endless [ˈendləs] adj 无止境的, 没完没了的 express [ɪkˈspres] v 表达, 表示 firmness [ˈfɜ:mnəs] n 坚定, 坚决 homeless [ˈhoʊmləs] adj 无家可归的, 没有固定住所的 princess [ˈprɪnəs] n 公主 success [səkˈses] n 成功, 成就 witness [ˈwɪtnəs] n 见证人, 目击者

May 11, 2024 · 1 min · 96 words · Me

Access Actress Depress Dress Guess Less Process Stress

[Story] The actress had less stress during filming when she learned the process of accessing her characters emotions. She guessed it was because she felt more depressed when dressed in her costume. [参考翻译] 女演员在拍摄期间,当她学会了如何进入角色情感的过程后,压力就变小了。她猜测这是因为穿上戏服时感到更加沮丧。 [Words] access [ækses] v 接近, 进入, n 通道, 入口 actress [æktris] n 女演员 depress [dipres] v 使沮丧, 使萧条 dress [dres] n 女装, 衣服, v 穿衣 guess [ɡes] v 猜测, 推测 less [les] adj 较少的, 较小的, adv 较小, 较少 process [prɑses] n 过程, 程序, v 处理, 加工 stress [stres] n 压力, 重音, v 强调, 使紧张

May 11, 2024 · 1 min · 88 words · Me

Battery Chinese Every Grocery Misery Recovery Surgery These

[Story] Every grocery store has its own battery of misery, but these surgeries of recovery are what keep us coming back. [参考翻译] 每家杂货店都有自己的痛苦之源,但正是这些康复手术让我们不断回来。 [Words] battery [ˈbætri] n 电池, 炮兵连 chinese [ˈtʃaɪniːz] n 中国人, 中文 every [ˈevri] ad 每个, 每人 grocery [ˈɡroʊsəri] n 杂货店, 食品杂货 misery [ˈmɪzəri] n 痛苦, 悲惨 recovery [rɪˈkʌvəri] n 恢复, 痊愈 surgery [ˈsɜːrʤi] n 外科手术, 手术室 these [ðiːz] pron 这些, 这些东西

May 11, 2024 · 1 min · 64 words · Me

Charger Co Worker Concert Desert Expert

[Story] The expert co-worker, a music lover, decided to charge their phone in the desert before attending the concert. [参考翻译] 专家同事,一位音乐爱好者,决定在去参加音乐会之前在沙漠中给他们的手机充电。 [Words] charger [ˈtʃɑːdʒər] n 充电器, 控告者 co-worker [ˈkəʊˌwɜːrkər] n 同事, 共同工作者 concert [ˈkɑːnsərt] n 音乐会, 一致 desert [ˈdezərt] n 沙漠, 荒地 expert [ˈekspɜːrt] n 专家, 熟练者

May 11, 2024 · 1 min · 47 words · Me