Battery Cellphone Click Computer Current Development File Improve Keyboard Laptop Machine

[Story] In the current development of technology, there is a machine that can improve your cellphone. You simply need to click on the keyboard and file on your laptop, then connect it to the machine. The machine will replace the old battery with a new one, and your cellphone will be like new again. [参考翻译] 在当今科技发展中,有一种机器能够提升你的手机性能。你只需要在笔记本电脑上点击键盘并找到相应文件,然后将其连接到这台机器。机器会把旧电池替换成新电池,你的手机就会焕然一新。 [Words] battery [bætəri] n 电池 cellphone [tʃelfəʊn] n 手机 click [klɪk] v 点击 computer [kəmˈpjuːtər] n 电脑 current [kʌrənt] n 当前 development [dɪveləpmənt] n 发展 file [faɪl] n 文件 improve [ɪmˈpruːv] v 改善 keyboard [kiːbɔːrd] n 键盘 laptop [læptɑːp] n 笔记本电脑 machine [məˈʃiːn] n 机器

May 10, 2024 · 1 min · 101 words · Me

Associate Awful Challenge Church Contact Exhibition Graduate Manner

[Story] After graduating from college, Tom contacted a church to volunteer for an exhibition. He was awful at first, but with time, he learned the manner of dealing with people and faced every challenge. Now, hes an associate at a big company. [参考翻译] 大学毕业后,汤姆联系了一家教堂,志愿参加一个展览。起初他很糟糕,但随着时间的推移,他学会了与人交往的方式并面对每一个挑战。现在,他是一家公司的合伙人。 [Words] associate [əˈsoʊsiət] n 合伙人,协会 awful [ɔːfl] adj 可怕的,极坏的 challenge [tʃælɪndʒ] n 挑战 church [tʃɜːrtʃ] n 教堂 contact [kɒntækt] v 联系 exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] n 展览 graduate [ɡrædʒueɪt] v 毕业 manner [mænər] n 方式,态度

May 10, 2024 · 1 min · 77 words · Me

Belong Champion Coach Destroy Exchange Instructor Opinion Province Similar Strength

[Story] In a small province, an instructor with a similar opinion to the coach believed in the strength of a local champion. They exchanged ideas on how to enhance the athletes abilities, but the champion, in a moment of anger, destroyed the training equipment. The instructor belonged to the same town as the athlete and understood the pressure they faced. [参考翻译] 在一个小镇上,一位教练和讲师有着相似的观点,他们相信当地冠军的实力。他们交流了如何提高运动员能力的想法,但冠军在愤怒的一瞬间破坏了训练设备。讲师和运动员来自同一个小镇,他理解他们面临的压力。 [Words] belong [bɪˈlɒŋ] v 属于 champion [ˈtʃæmpiən] n 冠军 coach [kəʊtʃ] n 教练 destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ] v 破坏 exchange [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] n/v 交换 instructor [ɪnˈstrʌktər] n 讲师 opinion [əˈpɪnjən] n 观点 province [ˈprɒvɪns] n 省 similar [ˈsɪmələr] a 相似的 strength [streŋθ] n 实力

May 10, 2024 · 1 min · 103 words · Me

App Company Escape Germany Paragraph Photograph

[Story] A company in Germany decided to create an app that helps people escape from writing long paragraphs. The app uses photographs to inspire users and generate content. [参考翻译] 德国的一家公司决定开发一款应用程序,帮助人们摆脱写长段落的烦恼。这款应用利用照片激发用户的灵感并生成内容。 [Words] app [æp] n 应用程序 company [kʌmpəni] n 公司 escape [ɪskeɪp] v 逃脱 germany [dʒɜːrməni] n 德国 paragraph [ˈpærəɡræf] n 段落 photograph [fəʊtəɡrɑːf] n 照片

May 9, 2024 · 1 min · 55 words · Me

Airplane Bank Frank Lane Piano

[Story] Frank, a piano player, decided to take a break from the noisy city and fly to a quiet lane near a bank, where he could practice his music in peace. [参考翻译] 钢琴手弗兰克为了逃离城市的喧嚣,决定乘坐飞机到银行附近的一个安静小巷练习音乐。 [Words] airplane [ˈɛrplaɪn] n 飞机, 飞行装置 bank [bæŋk] n 银行, 河岸 frank [ræŋk] n 弗兰克(人名), 坦白的 lane [leɪn] n 小巷, 车道 piano [piˈænjɔ] n 钢琴

May 9, 2024 · 1 min · 58 words · Me

Attain Britain Explain Grain Maintain Mountain Remain Spain

[Story] In Britain, a man explained his plan to attain the top of a mountain in Spain. He maintained that he would remain there until he could explain the process perfectly. Meanwhile, grains of sand kept falling from the mountain, but they remained unnoticed. [参考翻译] 在英国,一个人解释了他的计划,他要到达西班牙的一座山顶。他坚持他会一直留在那里,直到他能完美地解释整个过程。与此同时,沙粒不断地从山上落下,但它们并未被注意到。 [Words] attain [enteɪn] v 达到, 获得 britain [brɪtn] n 不列颠 explain [ɪkspleɪn] v 解释 grain [greɪn] n 谷物, 颗粒 maintain [meɪnteɪn] v 维持, 坚持 mountain [maʊntən] n 山 remain [rɪmeɪn] v 保持, 剩余 spain [speɪn] n 西班牙

May 9, 2024 · 1 min · 83 words · Me

Again Aim Brain Chain Gain Main Pain Train

[Story] Again, the aim was to gain mastery over the English language, so the brain began to train itself by focusing on the main aspects of the language. The chain of words and phrases became a valuable resource, and the pain of learning was alleviated by the sense of accomplishment that came with each new gain. [参考翻译] 再次,目标是掌握英语,所以大脑开始通过关注语言的主要方面来训练自己。单词和短语的链条成为宝贵的资源,学习的痛苦因每次新收获带来的成就感而减轻。 [Words] again [əˈɡen] adv 再次,再 aim [eɪm] n 目标;目的 v 瞄准;针对 brain [breɪn] n 大脑;脑力 chain [tʃeɪn] n 链条;一连串 v 用链条拴住 gain [ɡeɪn] v 获得;赢得 n 收益;利益 main [meɪn] adj 主要的;最重要的 n 主流;干线 pain [peɪn] n 疼痛;痛苦 v 使痛苦 train [treɪn] n 火车;训练 v 训练;培养

May 9, 2024 · 1 min · 103 words · Me

Average Compare Connect Damage Disease Habitat Promise Regard Structure Talent Treasure

[Story] In a world where talent was highly regarded, a young man discovered a hidden treasure in his average habitat. As he connected the pieces of his past, he realized that his promise to himself was to compare his life to the damage caused by a disease that had once threatened his existence. He vowed to treasure every moment, and in doing so, he found a new structure to his life that was both fulfilling and meaningful. ...

May 9, 2024 · 1 min · 124 words · Me