Battery Cellphone Click Computer Current Development File Improve Keyboard Laptop Machine
[Story] In the current development of technology, there is a machine that can improve your cellphone. You simply need to click on the keyboard and file on your laptop, then connect it to the machine. The machine will replace the old battery with a new one, and your cellphone will be like new again. [参考翻译] 在当今科技发展中,有一种机器能够提升你的手机性能。你只需要在笔记本电脑上点击键盘并找到相应文件,然后将其连接到这台机器。机器会把旧电池替换成新电池,你的手机就会焕然一新。 [Words] battery [bætəri] n 电池 cellphone [tʃelfəʊn] n 手机 click [klɪk] v 点击 computer [kəmˈpjuːtər] n 电脑 current [kʌrənt] n 当前 development [dɪveləpmənt] n 发展 file [faɪl] n 文件 improve [ɪmˈpruːv] v 改善 keyboard [kiːbɔːrd] n 键盘 laptop [læptɑːp] n 笔记本电脑 machine [məˈʃiːn] n 机器