[Story] The athletes gathered for the annual sports festival. There were various events, including basketball, football, soccer, table tennis, and volleyball. For the basketball race, they had to jump and shoot the ball into the net. In the soccer match, the players fell while trying to score a goal. The table tennis players had to be quick and agile, as the ball moved swiftly back and forth. Finally, in the volleyball game, the players jumped high to spike the ball over the net. It was an exciting day with lots of action and energy!

[参考翻译] 运动员们齐聚一堂,参加一年一度的运动会。项目包括篮球、足球、英式足球、乒乓球和排球。在篮球赛中,他们需要跳起将球投进网内。在足球比赛中,选手们在尝试进球时摔倒了。乒乓球手必须反应迅速、动作敏捷,因为球快速地来回移动。最后,在排球比赛中,选手们跳得很高,将球扣过网。这是一个激动人心的日子,充满了许多动作和活力!


  1. ball [bɔːl] n. 球
  2. basketball [ˈbæskitbɔːl] n. 篮球
  3. fall [fɔːl] v. 落下
  4. race [reɪs] n. 比赛
  5. football [ˈfʊtbɔːl] n. 足球
  6. sport [spɔːrt] n. 运动
  7. jump [dʒʌmp] v. 跳跃
  8. net [nɛt] n. 网
  9. soccer [ˈsɒksər] n. 英式足球
  10. table tennis [ˈteɪbl ˈtenɪs] n. 乒乓球
  11. volleyball [ˈvɒlibɔːl] n. 排球