[Story] In a classroom, a group of students sat in rows, each at their desk, attentively following the teacher’s lesson. The teacher, standing by the blackboard, used chalk to illustrate a complex concept. The monitor, a student in charge, made sure everyone was seated properly. The lesson was engaging, and the students were eager to learn.

[参考翻译] 在一个教室里,一群学生坐在各自的座位上,认真地跟着老师的课程。老师站在黑板旁边,用粉笔描绘一个复杂的概念。班长负责确保每个人都坐得合适。这堂课非常吸引人,学生们都渴望学习。


  1. blackboard [ˈblækbɔːrd] n 黑板
  2. board [bɔːrd] n 板,委员会
  3. chalk [tʃɔːk] n 粉笔
  4. classroom [ˈklɑːsruːm] n 教室
  5. desk [desk] n 书桌
  6. group [ɡruːp] n 组
  7. lesson [ˈlesn] n 课程
  8. monitor [ˈmɒnɪtər] n 班长,监控器
  9. row [raʊ] n 行
  10. seat [siːt] n 座位
  11. student [ˈstjuːdnt] n 学生
  12. teacher [ˈtiːtʃər] n 老师