[Story] In a world where words are tools, there existed a man named Writer. He carried a notebook and a pen, his trusty companions. His favorite tool was the pen, which he used to write stories that were filled with adventure and excitement. The notebook was his best friend, always by his side, ready to hold his thoughts and ideas. In this world, words were weapons, and Writer was a warrior.

[参考翻译] 在一个词语是工具的世界里,生活着一个名叫作家的男人。他带着一个笔记本和一支笔,这两个忠实的伙伴。他最喜欢的工具是笔,他用它来编写充满冒险和刺激的故事。笔记本是他最好的朋友,总是陪在他身边,准备承载他的想法和创意。在这个世界中,词语是武器,而作家是一个战士。


  1. book [buk] n 书
  2. crayon [kreiˈɔn] n 蜡笔
  3. dictionary [ˈdikʃənəri] n 字典
  4. eraser [iˈreizər] n 橡皮擦
  5. notebook [ˈnəutbuk] n 笔记本
  6. paper [ˈpeipər] n 纸
  7. pen [pens] n 钢笔
  8. pencil [ˈpensəl] n 铅笔
  9. ruler [ˈruːlər] n 尺子
  10. schoolbag [ˈskuːlbæɡ] n 书包