Sarah preferred her breakfast to be a delicious sandwich with hamburger, egg, and cheese. She also enjoyed a warm bowl of porridge with a drizzle of honey on the side. For lunch, she often packed a salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a light vinaigrette dressing. Dinner was usually a hearty meal of spaghetti with marinara sauce and a side of garlic bread. On weekends, she treated herself to a stack of fluffy pancakes with butter and syrup. Sarah was a big fan of food, and she loved trying new dishes.
- bread [bred] n 面包, 生面团
- breakfast [brekfist] n 早餐, 早饭
- butter [bʌtə] n 黄油, 奶油
- dinner [dinner] n 晚餐, 正餐
- hamburger [hambɜːɡə] n 汉堡包, 汉堡
- lunch [lʌntʃ] n 午餐, 午饭
- noodles [nuːdlz] n 面条, 面食
- pancake [pænkeɪk] n 薄饼, 煎饼
- porridge [pɔːridʒ] n 粥, 麦片粥
- prefer [priːfə] v 偏好, 更喜欢
- salad [sæləd] n 沙拉, 凉拌菜
- sandwich [sændwɪtʃ] n 三明治, 夹心面包
- sausage [sɒsidʒ] n 香肠, 腊肠
- spaghetti [spæɡəti] n 意大利面, 细面条