Once upon a time, in a small town lived a shy young boy named Jack. He had a best friend named Tom, who was always there to greet him with a wave and a warm smile. One day, they decided to play a game together. Jack was nervous about playing the game, but he promised to let Tom share his toys. As they played, their mothers watched from a distance, feeling proud of their friendship. Eventually, the weather turned sunny, and they both waved goodbye before heading home.
- friend [frend] n 朋友
- game [geim] n 游戏
- greet [grit] v 打招呼
- let [let] v 允许
- mother [moa] n 母亲
- nervous [nju:sfl] adj 紧张的
- play [plei] v 玩
- promise [promis] v 承诺
- share [jie] v 分享
- shy [sai] adj 害羞的
- toy [toi] n 玩具
- wave [weiv] v 挥手
- with [wih] prep 和