[Story] A tall man with a thick build stood in front of a mirror, measuring his length with a ruler. He had a lot to weigh in life, both the good and the bad. His long, straight hair was thin on top but thick at the bottom. He wore a suit that was half a size too big for him, which made him feel uncomfortable. The mirror showed him a man who was much shorter than he felt, but he knew that it was just an illusion. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh, realizing that he needed to let go of some things and embrace change.

[参考翻译] 一个身材高大,体型厚实的男人站在镜子前,用尺子测量自己的身高。他在生活中有很多要权衡的事情,有好有坏。他的头发又长又直,上部分细下部分粗。他穿的西装比他的尺寸大了半个码,让他感到不舒服。镜子里的他比自己感觉的要矮很多,但他知道那只是幻觉。他深吸一口气,叹了口气,意识到他需要放下一些事情,接受改变。


  1. tall - talt - adj
  2. build - buid - n
  3. stand - stnd - v
  4. measuring - measig - n
  5. length - lent - n
  6. ruler - rulr - n
  7. lot - lpt - n
  8. weigh - wegh - v
  9. long - lng - adj
  10. straight - strght - adj
  11. hair - hrf - n
  12. thin - thn - adj
  13. suited - sutid - adj
  14. size - siz - n
  15. comfortable - cftambl - adj
  16. mirror - mrr - n
  17. illusion - ilnsn - n
  18. deep - dp - adj
  19. breath - brth - n
  20. sigh - s - n
  21. realize - rslz - v
  22. need - ndd - v
  23. let - lt - v
  24. embrace - rmbrace - v
  25. change - chng - n