
Once upon a time, there was a man named Jack who had a million dollars. He decided to add it to his total wealth, which was already twice that amount. However, he soon realized that he needed to reduce his expenses by dividing the total by 2. This left him with half of his wealth, which was still a substantial sum. Jack then decided to double his savings, bringing his total wealth back up to a dozen times what it was before. Despite these changes, Jack remained content with his financial situation and lived a happy life.




  1. about [əˈbaʊt] n 关于
  2. add [æd] v 添加
  3. divide [dɪˈvaɪd] v 除以
  4. double [ˈdʌbl] v 翻倍
  5. dozen [ˈdʌzn] n 一打
  6. million [ˈmɪljən] n 百万
  7. once [wʌns] adv 一次
  8. percent [pərˈsɛnt] n 百分比
  9. reduce [rɪˈdjus] v 减少
  10. thousand [ˈθaʊzənd] n 一千
  11. total [ˈtoʊtl] adj 总的
  12. twice [twaɪs] adv 两次