
A heart-wrenching story unfolds as a man named John falls ill with a severe cough and fever. He rushes to the hospital, where doctors diagnose him with a dangerous illness. As Johns condition worsens, the doctors prescribe a strong medicine to combat the spread of the disease. Johns heart races with fear and anxiety as he battles the illness, unsure if he will ever recover.




  1. beat [biːt] v 打,击败;n 节奏,拍子
  2. cough [kɒf] v 咳嗽;n 咳嗽
  3. fever [ˈfiːvə(r)] n 发烧,发热
  4. flu [fluː] n 流感,流行性感冒
  5. heart [hɑːt] n 心脏;v 使……激动;a 热心的,衷心的
  6. hospital [ˈhɒspɪt(ə)l] n 医院
  7. illness [ˈɪlnəs] n 疾病,病
  8. medicine [ˈmedsn] n 药物,药品
  9. sick [sɪk] a 有病的,患病的;v 恶心,想吐
  10. spread [spred] v 传播,散布;n 传播,散布