In a bustling city, a determined businessman named Captain Jack managed a successful company. He was known for his solider-like discipline and duty towards his business. One day, he called a meeting with his manager and a group of police officers who were guarding the office building. Captain Jack discussed the importance of earning profits and creating jobs for the community. The manager and the officers were impressed by his dedication and agreed to work together to ensure the companys success.
- boss [bɔs] n 老板,上司
- business [ˈbɪznəs] n 商业,生意
- businessman [ˈbɪznəsmən] n 商人,生意人
- captain [ˈkæptɪn] n 船长,队长
- company [ˈkʌmpəni] n 公司,同伴
- duty [ˈdjuːti] n 职责,义务
- earn [ɜːn] v 赚取,获得
- guard [ɡɑːd] n 警卫,守护
- jobs [dʒɒbz] n 工作,职业
- manager [ˈmænɪdʒə] n 经理,管理者
- meeting [ˈmiːtiŋ] n 会议,集会
- office [ˈɒfɪs] n 办公室,职务
- officer [ˈɒfɪsə] n 官员,军官
- police [pəˈliːs] n 警察,警察部队
- solider [ˈsɒlɪdə] n 士兵,军人