A clear example of explaining how to learn English is through reading and repeating speeches. In a story, the spelling of words is crucial to understand the language, so writing down the correct spellings is essential.
- clear [kliə(r)] adj 清楚的, 清晰的
- example [igˈzɑːmpl] n 例子, 实例
- explain [ikˈsplein] v 解释, 说明
- learn [lɜːn] v 学习, 学会
- read [riːd] v 读, 阅读
- repeat [riˈpiːt] v 重复, 重做
- speech [spiːtʃ] n 演讲, 讲话
- spell [spel] v 拼写, 拼读
- spelling [ˈspeliŋ] n 拼写, 拼字
- story [ˈstɔːri] n 故事, 传说
- understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v 理解, 了解
- write [rait] v 写, 写作