The persistent and ambiguous nature of the homogeneous group was a testament to their ability to accustom themselves to any situation. They immersed themselves in their surroundings, retrieving information and experiences that would revive their senses. However, there were times when they needed to suppress their desires in order to maintain their unity. This was when their leader would step in and remind them of the importance of their shared goals.
- accustom [əˈkʌstəm] v 使习惯于, 适应
- ambiguous [æmˈbiɡjuəs] adj 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的
- homogeneous [ˌhɑːməˈdʒiːniəs] adj 同质的, 相似的
- immerse [ɪˈmɜːs] v 使沉浸, 使浸没
- indulge [ɪnˈdʌldʒ] v 沉溺于, 满足
- persistent [pərˈsɪstənt] adj 持续的, 坚持的
- retrieve [rɪˈtriːv] v 重新得到, 恢复
- revive [rɪˈvaɪv] v 使复兴, 使苏醒
- suppress [səˈpres] v 抑制, 压制
- testify [ˈtestɪfaɪ] v 证明, 作证