[Story] In a far-off land, there lived a bear named Bar who had a car named Car. Bar was afraid of the traps that lay ahead, but he was determined to face his fears. One day, he heard a distant roar and knew it was war. He feared for his dear life, but he also knew that he must hear all the words that came his way. So, he braved the fear and ventured forth into the unknown. The year was 2022, and the world was changing at an unprecedented pace.
[参考翻译] 在一个遥远的地方,生活着一只名叫Bar的熊,它有一辆名叫Car的车。Bar害怕前方的陷阱,但他决心面对自己的恐惧。有一天,他听到远处的吼声,知道那是战争。他为自己的生命担忧,但也知道必须聆听所有传来的话语。因此,他勇敢地面对恐惧,勇往直前。这一年是2022年,世界正在以前所未有的速度发生变化。
- bar [bɑr] n 条形码
- bear [beər] v 承受;承担
- car [kɑr] n 汽车
- dear [diər] adj 亲爱的
- far [fɑr] adv 远地
- fear [fiər] n 恐惧
- hear [hiər] v 听见
- near [nɪr] adj 近的
- tear [tɪr] n 眼泪
- trap [træp] n 陷阱
- war [wɔr] n 战争
- year [jɪr] n 年份