In the heart of Venice, a fierce prince lived in a grand palace. Despite his royal status, the prince sought balance in his life. He studied science and produced innovative ideas to reduce the citys reliance on surface transportation. The princes advice was sought after, and he often replaced outdated methods with more efficient ones.
- advice [ədˈvaɪs] n 建议,劝告
- balance [ˈbæləns] n 平衡,均衡 v 平衡,抵消
- fierce [fɪəs] adj 猛烈的,激烈的
- palace [ˈpæləs] n 宫殿,宫
- prince [prɪns] n 王子,亲王
- produce [prəˈdjuːs] v 生产,制造 n 产品,产量
- reduce [rɪˈdjuːs] v 减少,缩小
- replace [rɪˈpleɪs] v 替换,取代
- science [ˈsaɪəns] n 科学,学科
- source [sɔːs] n 来源,源泉 v 起源,发生
- surface [ˈsɜːfɪs] n 表面,外观 v 浮现,出现
- venice [ˈviːnɪs] n 威尼斯(意大利城市)