[Story] On a college field, I met myself. We shook hands and introduced ourselves. We then decided to take a walk down the street together, enjoying each others company. As we walked, we talked about our dreams and aspirations, and how we hoped to achieve them. We realized that we were not so different after all, and that we both had a lot to offer the world. It was a surreal experience, but one that I will never forget.

[参考翻译] 在大学操场上,我遇见了自己。我们握手并互相介绍。然后我们决定一起沿着街道走下去,享受彼此的陪伴。当我们走着的时候,我们谈论着我们的梦想和抱负,以及我们如何希望实现它们。我们意识到我们并没有那么不同,我们都有很多可以为世界贡献的东西。这是一次超现实的经历,但我永远不会忘记。


  1. college [ˈkɒlɪdʒ] n 大学, 学院
  2. field [fiːld] n 田地, 场地
  3. himself [hɪmˈself] pron 他自己
  4. itself [ɪtˈself] pron 它自己
  5. meet [miːt] v 遇见, 遇到
  6. myself [maɪˈself] pron 我自己
  7. self [self] n 自己, 本身
  8. street [striːt] n 街道
  9. yourself [jɔːˈself] pron 你自己