[Story] Once upon a time, in a joyful town, a powerful wizard used his useful magic to help the people. One day, he felt doubtful about a harmful spell he found in an old book. But he was grateful that his wisdom helped him resist the temptation to use it.

[参考翻译] 从前,在一个充满欢乐的小镇上,一个强大的巫师用他有用的魔法帮助人们。一天,他对一本旧书中发现的一个有害咒语感到怀疑。但他很感激自己的智慧帮助他抵制了使用它的诱惑。


  1. doubtful [ˈdaʊt.fəl] adj 怀疑的,可疑的
  2. grateful [ˈɡreɪ.t̬əf.əl] adj 感激的,感谢的
  3. harmful [ˈhɑːr.məl] adj 有害的,伤害的
  4. joyful [ˈdʒɔɪ.fʊl] adj 快乐的,高兴的
  5. powerful [ˈpaʊ.ər.fəl] adj 强大的,有力的
  6. useful [ˈjuːs.fəl] adj 有用的,有益的