[Story] In the province, scientists were trying to convince the locals that maintaining a balance between nature and technology was crucial. They demonstrated their presence by organizing workshops on how to measure the distance between stars using science.

[参考翻译] 在该省,科学家们正试图说服当地人保持自然与技术之间的平衡至关重要。他们通过组织工作坊,展示如何运用科学测量星星之间的距离,来证明他们的存在。


  1. balance [bæləns] n 平衡,天平
  2. convince [kənvɪns] v 说服,使相信
  3. distance [dɪstəns] n 距离,远处
  4. presence [prezns] n 存在,出席
  5. province [prɒvɪns] n 省份,领域
  6. science [saɪəns] n 科学,学科