[Story] In the realm of existence, where abundance was a mere concept and performance dictated reality, there was an appliance. This peculiar gadget ensured that differences were not just noticeable but tangible, with each variation emitting a unique fragrance. Its influence on the world was profound, altering the course of experiences for all who dared to indulge in its magic. However, with great power came an inevitable consequence - the disappearance of monotony.
[参考翻译] 在存在的领域里,丰盈不过是个概念,而表现决定了现实。那里有一台神奇的装置,确保差异不仅被注意到,还能被触摸到,每一种变化都散发出独特的香气。它对世界的影响深远,改变了所有敢于沉浸于其魔力中人的经历轨迹。然而,伴随着巨大的力量必然有一个后果——单调的消失。
- abundance [əbʌndəns] n 丰富, 充足
- appliance [əplaɪəns] n 器械, 装置
- consequence [kɒnsɪkwəns] n 结果, 后果
- difference [dɪfərəns] n 差异, 不同
- disappearance [ˌdɪsəpɪərəns] n 消失, 不见
- existence [ɪgzɪstəns] n 存在, 生存
- experience [ɪkspɪəriəns] n 经验, 体验
- fragrance [freɪgrəns] n 香味, 芬芳
- influence [ɪnflʊəns] n 影响, 势力
- performance [pəfɔːməns] n 表演, 表现