[Story] In the agricultural heartland, amidst fields of crops, a unique furniture-making procedure was developed. It involved using only locally sourced materials and traditional literature as inspiration for designs. These pieces were known for their intricate structure and ability to withstand extreme temperatures, becoming a cultural feature in the region.
[参考翻译] 在农业中心,田野间,人们发展出一种独特的家具制作流程。它只使用当地采购的材料,并以传统文学作品为设计灵感。这些家具以其复杂的结构和能够承受极端温度而闻名,成为该地区的文化特色。
- agriculture [ægrikʌltʃər] n 农业
- furniture [fɜːrtʃər] n 家具
- literature [lɪtərətʃər] n 文学
- procedure [prəʊsiːdʒər] n 程序
- structure [strʌktʃər] n 结构
- temperature [tempərɪtʃər] n 温度