[Story] In any case, the gentleman incorporated extra expenses into the welfare offering, which was unworkable and excessively minimized the convenience. This led to a tonnage of difficulties and a low rating on the welfare system. However, in the spirit of thanksgiving, he tried to be gentle and considerate, hoping to minimize the impact. Despite the unworkable situation, he pursued ways to incorporate solutions and ensure the welfare system’s convenience. In any case, the excessive tonnage of problems required a gentleman’s approach, minimizing the extra expenses and maximizing the welfare’s effectiveness.

[参考翻译] 无论如何,这位绅士将额外费用纳入福利提供中,这是行不通的,过分地减少了便利性。这导致了一系列困难和福利系统评级的下降。然而,怀着感恩的心,他试图变得温和体贴,希望尽量减少影响。尽管情况不理想,他仍努力寻求解决方案,确保福利体系的便利性。无论如何,问题过于严重,需要一种绅士的方式,来最小化额外费用,最大化福利的效益。


  1. difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] adj. 困难的
  2. gentleman [ˈdʒentlmən] n. 绅士
  3. welfare [ˈwelfeər] n. 福利
  4. minimize [ˈmɪnɪmaɪz] v. 最小化
  5. offering [ˈɔːfərɪŋ] n. 提供物
  6. unworkable [ʌnˈwɜːrkəbl] adj. 行不通的
  7. convenience [kənˈviːnjəns] n. 便利
  8. tonnage [ˈtʌnɪdʒ] n. 吨位
  9. incorporated [ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪtɪd] adj. 法人组织的
  10. rating [ˈreɪtɪŋ] n. 评级
  11. extra expenses [ˈekstrə ɪkˈspɛnsɪz] 额外费用
  12. thanksgiving [ˈθæŋkˌsgɪvɪŋ] n. 感恩节
  13. in any case 无论如何
  14. my [maɪ] pron. 我的
  15. excessively [ɪkˈsesɪvli] adv. 过分地