[Story] The affiliate, known for its renown, had an imaginative approach to marketing. They used a chaotic strategy that involved a scroll with vivid stories of their products. The stories were so captivating that customers would embrace them wholeheartedly, and the competition was obliterated. However, their success story was about to stumble upon a hurdle - the threat of colonization by larger companies.

[参考翻译] 这家享有盛誉的分公司采用了一种富有想象力的营销策略。他们使用了一种混乱的策略,其中包括一个卷轴,上面绘有关于他们产品的生动故事。这些故事如此吸引人,以至于顾客们会全心全意地接受它们,竞争对手则被彻底击败。然而,他们的成功故事即将遭遇障碍——被更大公司殖民化的威胁。


  1. affiliate [əˈfɪliɪt] n 分支机构
  2. renown [rɪˈnaʊn] n 名望
  3. imaginative [ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv] adj 富有想象力的
  4. chaotic [keɪˈɒtɪk] adj 混乱的
  5. scroll [skrəʊl] n 卷轴
  6. embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] v 拥抱
  7. obliterate [əˈblɪtərət] v 彻底摧毁
  8. colonization [ˌkɒlənaɪˈzeɪʃn] n 殖民化
  9. stumble [ˈstʌmbl] v 绊倒
  10. ravcorous [ˈrævkərəs] adj 咆哮的(注:此词为罕见词汇,可能是作者误用或虚构)