In a world where talent was highly regarded, a young man discovered a hidden treasure in his average habitat. As he connected the pieces of his past, he realized that his promise to himself was to compare his life to the damage caused by a disease that had once threatened his existence. He vowed to treasure every moment, and in doing so, he found a new structure to his life that was both fulfilling and meaningful.
- average [ˈævərɪdʒ] n 平均,普通
- compare [kəmˈpɛr] v 比较,对照
- connect [kənˈɛkt] v 连接,联系
- damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] n 损害,伤害
- disease [dɪˈziːz] n 疾病,病症
- habitat [ˈhæbɪtæt] n 栖息地,住处
- promise [ˈprɑmɪs] n 诺言,保证
- regard [rɪˈɡɑrd] n 尊敬,重视
- structure [ˈstrʌktʃɚ] n 结构,构造
- talent [ˈtælənt] n 天赋,才能
- treasure [ˈtriːʒɚ] n 宝藏,财富