[Story] In the heart of a bustling city, an art lover found a peculiar artifact. It was an artificial flower made by an artist. The flower was articulate and had a unique artistic touch. The art lover admired it and decided to take it home. They carefully placed it in their living room, next to a body of botany books on a shelf. The flower stood out among other articles, attracting attention from passersby. A boss walked into the room and noticed the flower, admiring its beauty. The art lover explained the story behind the flower, and the boss was impressed. From that day on, the boss began to appreciate the artistic talents of the art lover.

[参考翻译] 在繁华的城市中心,一位艺术爱好者发现了一件奇特的人工制品。这是由一位艺术家制作的人造花。这朵花表达得十分清晰,具有独特的艺术美感。这位艺术爱好者非常欣赏它,决定带回家。他们小心地将花放在客厅里,放在一堆植物学书籍旁边的架子上。这朵花在众多物品中脱颖而出,吸引了过路者的注意。老板走进房间,注意到了这朵花,并对其美丽表示赞赏。艺术爱好者向老板讲述了这朵花背后的故事,老板深受感动。从那天起,老板开始欣赏这位艺术爱好者的艺术才华。


  1. art [a:t] n 艺术
  2. artery [ˈætəri] n 动脉
  3. article [ˈɑːrtɪkl] n 文章
  4. articulate [ɑːrˈtɪkjuleɪt] v 清晰地表达
  5. artifact [ˈɑːrtɪfækt] n 人工制品
  6. artificial [ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl] adj 人工的
  7. artist [ˈɑːrtɪst] n 艺术家
  8. artistic [ɑːrˈtɪstɪkl] adj 艺术的
  9. body [ˈbɒdi] n 身体
  10. boot [buːt] n 靴子
  11. booth [buːθ] n 亭子
  12. boss [bɔs] n 老板
  13. botany [ˈbɒtəni] n 植物学
  14. bottom [ˈbɒtəm] n 底部