A man named John, who was known for his ingenuity, decided to contrive a plan to make his life more convenient. He began by converting his old car into a mobile home, complete with a bed and a kitchen. This allowed him to travel the world while still enjoying the comforts of home. Along the way, he met a woman named Sarah, who was impressed by his resourcefulness. They quickly became friends and enjoyed many conversations about life and the world around them. However, their conversations often turned into heated debates, as they had very different convictions about the world. Conversely, their differences only seemed to make their friendship stronger. In the end, John realized that sometimes the most convenient solutions to life’s problems were the ones that were the most unconventional.
- contrive [kən’traɪv] v 设计,策划
- convenience [kən’viːnjəns] n 方便,便利
- convenient [kən’viːnjənt] adj 方便的,便利的
- conversation [ˌkɒnvə’sɛʃən] n 对话,交谈
- conversely [kən’vɜːsli] adv 相反地
- conversion [kən’vɜːʃən] n 转变,转化
- convert [kən’vɜːt] v 转变,转化
- convict [kən’vɪkt] v 定罪,判刑
- conviction [kən’vɪkʃən] n 信念,确信
- convince [kən’vɪns] v 说服,使确信