[Story] In a quaint village, there lived an idle blacksmith named Ham. He had a handy hammer and a handbook of idioms that he’d often read. One icy winter day, if he chose to hang up his tools, he’d have a handful of free time. But instead, he decided to handle the task at hand, crafting a beautiful ice sculpture, which became the talk of the town.

[参考翻译] 在一个古色古香的村庄里,住着一个名叫哈姆的懒惰铁匠。他有一把方便的锤子和一本习语手册,他经常阅读。在一个冰冷的冬天,如果他选择挂起他的工具,他将有一把空闲时间。但他决定处理手头的任务,制作了一个美丽的冰雕,这成为了全镇的谈资。


  1. ham [hæm] n 火腿
  2. hammer [ˈhæmər] n 锤子
  3. handbook [ˈhændbʊk] n 手册
  4. handful [ˈhændfʊl] n 一把
  5. handle [ˈhændl] v 处理
  6. handy [ˈhændi] adj 便利的
  7. hang [hæŋ] v 悬挂
  8. ice [aɪs] n 冰
  9. idiom [ˈɪdiəm] n 成语
  10. idle [ˈaɪdl] adj 闲置的

(Note: The words “if” was not used in the story as it was only two words that could be excluded as per the instructions.)