In a peaceful town, a hero emerged. He was known for his undoubtedly impressive hardware skills, but even heroes have occasional lapses. One day, while working on his laptop, he accidentally undid a crucial screw, causing the screen to segregate into segments. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t seem to fix it. The hero, who had always been so confident in his abilities, felt a sense of doubt creeping in. But he refused to give up. With determination and patience, he worked tirelessly until he finally managed to put the laptop back together. The town breathed a sigh of relief, and the hero’s reputation as a peaceful, skilled technician was solidified once again.
- peaceful [ˈpiːsfʊl] adj. 和平的, 平静的
- hero [ˈhɪrəʊ] n. 英雄, 男主角
- screen [skriːn] n. 屏幕, 幕
- segment [ˈsegmənt] n. 部分, 片段
- undoubtedly [ʌnˈdaʊtɪdli] adv. 毫无疑问地, 当然
- hardware [ˈhɑːdweə(r)] n. 硬件, 五金
- lapse [læps] n. 失误, 间断
- occasional [əˈkeɪʒənl] adj. 偶尔的, 间或的
- screw [skruː] n. 螺丝, 螺钉
- segregate [ˈseɡreɪɡeɪt] v. 分离, 隔离