[Story] In a land where words were weapons, the riddle of the ridge was a formidable foe. It asked, “What is rigid but can be loosened by a rigorous lord?” The answer, of course, was a stationary steamer with a steep steak. But the foreigner who tried to solve it found himself in a riot of static and unmoving loops. He looked up at the loom of the lord’s forbidden forehead, his moan echoing through the foreign fields.

[参考翻译] 在一个词语即武器的世界里,岭上的谜题是一个可怕的对手。它问道:“什么是刚性的,但可以通过严格的领主放松?”当然,答案是一台静止的蒸汽船,上面有一道陡峭的牛排。但是试图解开这个谜题的外国人发现自己陷入了静态和不动的循环中。他抬头看着领主禁止的额头上的织布机,他的呻吟在外国田野上回荡。


  1. riddle [rid] n 谜语
  2. ridge [rid] n 山脊
  3. ridiculous [rid] adj 荒谬的
  4. rigid [rid] adj 刚性的
  5. rigorous [rig] adj 严格的
  6. rim [rim] n 边缘
  7. riot [rai] n 暴乱
  8. static [stat] adj 静态的
  9. station [stat] n 车站
  10. stationary [stat] adj 静止的
  11. stationery [stat] n 文具
  12. steak [stek] n 牛排
  13. steam [stim] n 蒸汽
  14. steep [sti] adj 陡峭的