[Story] An automatic turbine in the tunnel suddenly malfunctioned, causing a state of turmoil. A tutor, navigating through the avenue, quickly averted the crisis by tuning the machine back to normal. The students, who were on their way to pay tuition, cheered in relief, and a turkey was served as a celebratory meal.

[参考翻译] 自动涡轮机在隧道中突然发生故障,引发了一片混乱。一位导师在大街上迅速避免了危机,通过调整机器恢复了正常。正要去交学费的学生们松了一口气,欢呼起来,还举行了一场庆祝活动,上了一只火鸡作为大餐。


  1. automatic [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk] adj 自动的
  2. automatior [ˈɔːtəmeɪtər] n 自动装置
  3. autonomy [əʊˈtɒnəmi] n 自主
  4. avenue [ˈævɪnjuː] n 大街
  5. avert [əˈvɜːt] v 避免
  6. tug [tʌɡ] v/n 拖,拉
  7. tuition [tjuˈɪʃn] n 学费
  8. tune [tjuːn] v 调整
  9. tunnel [ˈtʌnəl] n 隧道
  10. turbine [ˈtɜːbaɪn] n 涡轮机
  11. turkey [ˈtɜːki] n 火鸡
  12. turmoil [ˈtɜːmɔɪl] n 混乱
  13. tutor [ˈtuːtər] n 导师