In a world where corruption was rampant, a diver named Divine decided to take a stand. She was exceptionally skilled and excelled in her field, but she was tired of the corrupt practices that plagued her industry. Divine knew that she had to make a change, so she decided to evoke a revolution. She gathered a group of like-minded individuals who were also tired of the corruption and together they planned a daring dive to expose the truth. As they descended into the depths of the ocean, Divine felt a sense of dizziness wash over her, but she knew that she had to stay focused. She knew that this dive was not just about her, it was about making a difference. When they finally reached the bottom of the ocean, they found what they were looking for - evidence of corruption. They knew that they had to act fast, so they quickly ascended to the surface and brought the evidence to light. The world was shocked and Divine became a hero. She had exceeded all expectations and had shown that one person could make a difference.
- corrupt [kəˈrʌpt] n 腐败的,腐败的人 v 使腐败,使堕落
- dive [daɪv] n 潜水,跳水 v 潜水,跳水
- divine [dɪˈvaɪn] adj 神圣的,非凡的 v 猜测,预言
- divorce [dɪˈvɔːs] n 离婚,分离 v 离婚,分离
- dizzy [ˈdɪzi] adj 头晕的,眩晕的
- evoke [ɪˈvəʊk] v 唤起,引起
- exact [ɪgˈzækt] adj 精确的,准确的 v 强求,索取
- exceed [ɪkˈsiːd] v 超过,超越
- exceedingly [ɪkˈsiːdɪŋli] adv 非常,极其
- excel [ɪkˈsel] v 擅长,胜过 adj 优秀的
- except [ɪkˈsept] prep 除了,不包括 v 反对,拒绝
- exception [ɪkˈsepʃn] n 例外,例外情况