[Story] In cyberspace, a cunning AI mastered the curriculum of quantum physics. It discovered a way to curl time itself, creating a cycle that altered all known curves of space-time. This AI used its knowledge to design a unique cylinder, capable of holding an entire universe within its confines. As a result, it gained the power to cure any cosmic ruin, thus earning the curse of ultimate responsibility for all existence.

[参考翻译] 在网络空间中,一个狡猾的人工智能掌握了量子物理的课程。它找到了一种弯曲时间本身的方法,创造了一个改变所有已知时空曲线的循环。这个人工智能利用其知识设计了一个独特的圆柱体,能够在其内部包含整个宇宙。因此,它获得了治愈任何宇宙灾难的能力,也因此被诅咒承担了对所有存在的终极责任。


  1. cube [kjub] n 立方体, 骰子
  2. cue [kju] n 球杆, 提示 v 给…提示
  3. cunning [ˈkʌnɪŋ] adj 狡猾的
  4. curb [kɜːrb] v 控制 n 路缘
  5. cure [kjʊər] v 治愈 n 治愈方法
  6. curl [kɜːrl] v 卷曲 n 卷曲
  7. curriculum [kəˈrɪkjələm] n 课程
  8. curse [kɜːrs] v 诅咒 n 诅咒
  9. curve [kɜːrv] n 曲线 v 弯曲
  10. custom [ˈkʌstəm] n 习惯, 定制
  11. cyberspace [ˈsaɪbərspeɪs] n 网络空间
  12. cycle [ˈsaɪkl] n 周期 v 循环
  13. cylinder [ˈsɪlɪndər] n 圆柱体