
During an expedition through a drought-stricken land, a group of travelers found themselves in a dangerous situation. As they trekked through the barren terrain, they suddenly heard a droning noise coming from the sky. Looking up, they saw a menacing cloud of raindrops approaching. The raindrops, like tiny drones, began to pelt the ground with increasing force. The travelers quickly realized that they were in danger of drowning in the sudden downpour. They rushed to find shelter, but the raindrops continued to drum against the ground, making it difficult to hear each other. As the water levels rose, the travelers had to expend all their energy to keep their heads above the water. In the end, they were able to make it to safety, but not without incurring a significant expenditure of energy and resources.




  1. drip [drip] n 滴水, 滴漏 v 滴下, 滴漏
  2. drone [dron] n 无人机, 嗡嗡声 v 嗡嗡作响, 单调地说
  3. drop [drop] n 滴, 落下 v 滴下, 落下
  4. drought [draʊt] n 干旱, 缺水期
  5. drown [draʊn] v 溺水, 淹没
  6. drum [drʌm] n 鼓, 鼓声 v 敲鼓, 击打
  7. expedition [ˌekspɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n] n 探险, 探险队
  8. expel [ɪkˈspel] v 驱逐, 排出
  9. expend [ɪkˈspend] v 花费, 消耗
  10. expenditure [ɪkˈspen(d)ɪtʃə] n 支出, 花费
  11. expense [ɪkˈspens] n 费用, 开支
  12. explanation [ˌekspləˈneɪʃ(ə)n] n 解释, 说明