[Story] Once upon an era, a man named Oliver received an invitation to a mysterious party. He was intrigued by the events overt secrecy and decided to attend. Upon arrival, he found the venue to be an oval-shaped room with an overhead chandelier that seemed to invert the space. As he overheard the guests discussing an overthrow of the current regime, he realized the party was an overnight revolution planning session. Oliver felt a sudden urge to overtake the situation and suggested an overhaul of their approach to avoid any overflow of violence.

[参考翻译] 在一个遥远的时代,一个名叫奥利弗的男子收到了一个神秘派对的邀请。他对活动的过度保密感到好奇,于是决定参加。到达后,他发现会场是一个椭圆形的房间,天花板上有一个吊灯,似乎颠倒了空间。当他无意中听到客人们讨论推翻当前政权时,他意识到这个派对是一个一夜之间的革命策划会议。奥利弗突然有一种冲动,想要接管局势,并建议彻底改革他们的方法,以避免暴力的溢出。


  1. invert [ɪnˈvɜːt] v 颠倒
  2. invitation [ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn] n 邀请
  3. inward [ˈɪnwərd] adj 向内的
  4. oval [ˈoʊvl] adj 椭圆形的
  5. overflow [ˌoʊvərˈfloʊ] v 溢出
  6. overhaul [ˈoʊvərhɔːl] n/ v 大修,彻底检查
  7. overhead [ˌoʊvərˈhed] adj/adv 在头顶上的
  8. overhear [ˌoʊvərˈhɪr] v 无意中听到
  9. overnight [ˌoʊvərˈnaɪt] adj/adv 一夜之间的
  10. overt [oʊˈvɜːrt] adj 公开的
  11. overtake [ˌoʊvərˈteɪk] v 赶上,超越
  12. overthrow [ˌoʊvərˈθroʊ] n/v 推翻