[Story] A monster, pride of the town, was caught by a priest. The monument stood witness to their struggle, and the prize was a probable probability.
[参考翻译] 一个怪物,城镇的骄傲,被一位牧师捕获。纪念碑见证了他们的挣扎,而奖品是一个可能的概率。
- monitor [ˈmɔnɪtər] n 显示器, 监视器
- monster [ˈmɒnstər] n 怪物, 巨兽
- monument [ˌmɒnjuˈment] n 纪念碑, 纪念馆
- pride [praɪd] n 自豪, 骄傲
- priest [priːst] n 牧师, 神父
- prize [praɪz] n 奖品, 奖金
- probability [ˌprɒbəˈlɪti] n 可能性, 概率
- probable [ˈprɒbəbl] adj 可能的, 大概的